Our inaugural Last Resort Academy on February 9 -11th, 2018 was a powerfully successful weekend! Men from all walks of life climbed together up the Mountain of Transformation, each taking away unexpected gifts of freedom from their Father in Heaven that will impact their future, and the future of others in their lives.
Things got started Friday night with Spirit led worship by Wes James and some power preaching by Pastor Theo Boone that led us all into the presence and power of God Almighty. Brother Boone left us with the declaration " I O U me, Lord! A good place to leave us before starting a "Fire Hose" 9 am to 9 pm day of worshiping, educating, group processing and attacking lies to see men receive breakthrough. As anticipated, there were men who were apprehensive (and in some denial) at the beginning, but by the end, there were tears of freedom and hands of healing, one upon the other. Some men came wanting to learn for others, some thinking they already knew everything they needed to deal with issues related to porn and sexual addiction for themselves and others. That story changed by the end of the weekend! We also had a great response to our Sunday morning program that was a shared presentation on timelines & redeeming the past through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gave a couple of men significant and fresh insights that truly added to the dynamics of this message for its future.
The testimonies of participants at the end were pretty amazing, always my favorite part of the process. Though, the testimonies after the testimonies, during lunch, were an unexpected blessing, too. I ate with a group of men I didn’t know and hadn't really connected with yet. They shared how in anticipation of spending time with a bunch of known sex offenders, that they thought things would be fairly “awkward”. Much to their surprise, they found all the men from New Name to be solidly connected to God in a very inspiring and remarkable way.
They didn’t realize God's secret weapons had been unleashed to minister through their brokenness and the Lord’s healing redemption for His glory (Jehovah Sneaky strikes again!).
We hope you will make it a priority to join us for our next event. Sign up today and get ready for your life changing journey up the Mountain of Transformation.
PS. A huge THANK YOU to all those who donated so generously so that others could receive scholarships to attend and receive their upgrades. Know that each of those who received assistance were truly impacted by your support of the Last Resort Academy.
The Last Resort Academy recently held a men’s retreat in Eastland, Texas at The Solid Rock Camp. But let me tell you that what I experienced was in no way whatsoever a “retreat”!
Let me explain…the word “retreat” is often associated with soldiers turning tail and running away from a battle that they are losing. This however was not the case for the other men and I that attended The Last Resort Academy. On the contrary…for we as soldiers of Christ chose not to run. Lead by the dedicated warriors from New Name Ministries, we faced the enemy as the light of our Christ revealed the darkness of his lies. We confronted him with the Word of God and he ran, we confounded him with our worship of God openly without constraint and we advanced and took back the ground that he had stolen from all of us.
I must admit that my decision to attend this camp, was a difficult one for me. I was embarrassed and reluctant to open myself to strangers. The sins of the flesh carry deep wounds and I, like most men will try to cover them up at all cost…that is until we reach that place where we realize we are losing the battle, we need help, we need other men of God to lead us out of bondage before we reach that point where we give up. For many of us this time together was our last resort!
But through the prayers of those at New Name Ministries and The Solid Rock Camp, the presence of God was called down from above and He was there waiting to meet us all.
We received much more than teaching and preaching. The Holy Spirit showed up in many forms. He was evident through a man with a guitar in his hands as he took us into the presence of God through worship. For me specifically, He spoke to me through three other men. One was a young man, a prisoner of God’s love. His words pierced my heart and brought revelation to me. Another was a physician, a man with the gift of affirmation. His kind words were a great blessing to me. The third was a marine, a warrior, a man with a servant’s heart. His example of compassion for others moved my heart and I saw clearly what the love of Christ is like.
The time with these men and with God, has changed my life. I would encourage any man that is in a battle for purity to carve out time to attend The Last Resort Academy.
Your brother in Christ,
I actually just got done unpacking (the best I can) the weekend with my wife. It was an honor; I am so thankful to have been there. So much happened in 48 hours, so many seeds were planted, roots strengthened, and new branches have grown. God is good, and faithful to finish what He started.
Keep pressing in (into His embrace), pressing up (to the high calling of Jesus) and pressing on (with endurance in the journey and epic quest home).
Thank you!
Aaron V.