In 1994 Jon Cordeiro received a vision of Christ kneeling in the sand. An adulterous woman had been brought to Jesus; her accusers asked Jesus, "what is your judgment of her?" He stood in front of the humiliated sobbing women and knelt down. He drew a line in the sand, and then the Savior of the world instructed her accusers, "Let you without sin cast the first stone." In his vision the adulteress was cowering behind Jesus. After all her accusers had left, undoubtedly facing their own shameful ways, Jesus asked the women where her accusers were. As she looked around, she realized she was not alone in her plight of sinfulness. Jesus looked her in the eyes and said he wouldn’t condemn her, and then he proclaimed freedom and the ability to sin no more over her life.
Jon identified greatly with the plight of such religious and worldly judgment. Even more, he captured on Jesus' proclamation of being set free to sin no more. At once he knew he was called to minister to others like himself. Interestingly enough, Jon had just begun his journey of restoration. It would be ten more years before his gift would make way for him after moving to Texas out of obedience.
Initially, New Name Ministries was incorporated in the state of Texas in 2004 as First Stone Ministries. About two years later an attorney contacted the ministry and threatened to sue if they continued to use First Stone. Apparently a Christian Novelty company in Dallas, Texas had Trade Marked the name. Despite several pleas to retain such a fitting name for the ministry, he asked the Lord to give him a new name for the ministry. After searching through the bible for phrases using the word stone, Jon came upon Revelation 2:17 which speaks to those who overcome receiving a white stone with a new name written on it. The lawyer did say to get a new name. Despite Jon's initial disappointment, he accepted God was doing a new thing; no longer to identify with being the rightfully accused, but living as a righteous Overcomer, set free by Jesus!
John 8:1-12 is a written reflection of Jon's vision. Jesus did not condone the sin of the adulteress but He did clarify that regardless of one's sin, great or small – public or private, He can rescue and set the captives free. Jesus desires restoration, not condemnation. Whichever side of the line we are on, Jesus is big enough to redeem us all.