Community Safe Residential Reentry
Community Safe Residential Reentry
New Name Ministries Community Safe Residential Reentry & The Last Resort Academy
New Name Ministries Community Safe Residential Reentry  &   The Last Resort Academy

A 'Frightening ' Myth About Sex Offenders

Sex Offenders and the Church


There is no sinner beyond God's ability to redeem, renew, restore and regenerate!


New Name Ministries offers a non-denominational Christ-centered transformational program for former sex offenders, whether they are reentering society from prison, serving probated sentences, or have been caught up in offending behavior and have not yet been through the court system. In addition to dealing with the issues of sexual offending, we offer assistance in job placement, life skills, mentoring, finance responsibility, accountability, development of community, and the tools for renewing the mind. Men are required to maintain a full-time job (unless of retirement age and then volunteer work is required), attend various classes and activities throughout the week and reimburse expenses averaging $125 per week. They learn to budget their money to ensure they save enough to become self-sufficient by the end of their stay.


At New Name Ministries we minister to the whole person so they become Christ-centered, learning to live honorably and to become distributors of the Kingdom of Heaven.


  • Covenant of one-year required.
  • Completed Application Request Form and two Character Reference Forms MUST be received prior to receiving our 14-page Application and two 2-page Assessments.
  • Applicants who are accepted MUST have their funding in place before they enter the program. Limited unfunded opportunities available with special conditions.
  • We can only receive new program participants if we have vacancies.
  • We pay special attention to an applicant's spiritual condition and personal commitment to a transformed life.
  • New Name Ministries homes are not halfway houses; Jesus doesn't do things halfway. We are more akin to a spiritual boot camp.
  • We offer this opportunity to able bodied men at least 25 years old seeking a home and a family in Christ.
  • Any information provided will be held in strict confidence.
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